Unleashing Your Inner Strength: A Journey Through Acupuncture and Bodywork

Defining Strength and Health in the Modern World

What does it mean to be strong? Is it about bulging muscles, or is it something more? For many, strength and health are about quality of life. As a practitioner of East Asian Medicine and Zen Bodytherapy/Structural Integration, I’ve seen how these definitions can evolve, and not always for the better.

The Power of Balance: Acupuncture and Bodywork

Strength isn’t one-size-fits-all. It varies from person to person, influenced by lifestyle, habits, and personal outlook. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, bodywork, and energy cultivation practices are rooted in the ancient Chinese principles of Yinyang, and offer a unique approach to cultivating strength.

Lessons from the Ancients: Longevity in Chinese Medicine

Thousands of years ago, the ancient Chinese observed shifts in lifestyle that disrupted balance and drained life forces. They noted that longevity declined when people indulged in excesses. Too much food, drink, and sex can lead to the depletion of vital energies. These observations still hold today and form the basis of acupuncture and other Chinese medicine practices such as dietetics and Qigong. Self-treatment with moxibustion, self-massage, and herbal decoctions including herbs such as Ren Shen (ginseng), Da Zao (jujube fruit), and Gan Cao (licorice) may be employed. Walking as well as martial arts such as Tai Chi Chuan might be practiced daily.

The Lifestyle of Strength From the Mid-Twentieth Century

John McCallum, a health enthusiast from the 1960s, defined good health as having energy, sound sleep, and no illnesses. He believed that a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, was key. This aligns with the principles of Chinese medicine which views health as a holistic endeavor.

Redefining Good Health: The Role of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

So, what is good health? Is it perfect lab results or an A+ on your annual physical exam? Or is it about feeling good in your own skin? From my experience, strength and good health are about living a life filled with energy, joy, and the ability to adapt to life’s changes and challenges.

Your Definition of Strength and Good Health

Strength is more than an athletic endeavor. It’s about resilience and adaptability. What’s your personal definition of “strength and good health”? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Drop me a line at david@davidengstrom.net


Beyond Premiums: Acupuncture, Bodywork, and Your Health